Friday, October 9, 2015

RPi fan for heat and temperature

while i am using the two RPis (RPi b+ , RPi 2) i traced the temperature of the two cores , i found that in the hot weather the temp. may rise to 50°C so i used fans for cooling them .

with using fans the temp. of each lose around 10°C .

RPi b+

you can view live temperature results from this link  if the file is still  there.
temp. before using fan

temp. after using fan for cooling

RPi 2

you can view live temperature results from this link  if the file is still  there.
temp. before using fan

temp. after using fan for cooling
 Note 1 : for RPi 2 the fan is connected directly to pin#4 and pin#6 , it works well .
 Note 2 : for RPi B+ the fan is connected directly to another charger because the source was not enough for the fan and RPi  .
 Note 3 : the RPi2 temperature is more than RPiB+ cause the freq. of the first is more than the 2nd.
 Note 4 : further i will control the fan speed from the mentioned circuit .

the circuit will be tested and reported .

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