Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Pi Zero W - No WiFi interfaces found

i have solved the problem by

1- downloaded the final version of raspbian 2017-03-02-raspbian-jessie.img full edition
2- i just do what mentioned in this link

[quote]To work with wpa_supplicant on some routers and networks can be pretty tricky and hard to diagnose. Using the following method I have a 100% success rate.
First to confirm your network is available and visible try (just the SSID is enough):

  [code]iwlist wlan0 scan | grep SSID[/code]
Then create a network credential entry for supplicant with:

[code]wpa_passphrase "<ssid>" "<password>" >> /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
[/code]Note ssid (and password) are case sensitive.

This will create a 64 char PSK as follows:

You may edit your .conf to remove (or '#' comment) the replaced network.

i just used [code]wpa_passphrase "<ssid>" "<password>"[/code]
then i coped the output , and paste it in the file /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf by using [code]sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf[/code]
then i rebooted the RPI0W

after that i used the mouse and moved it to the wifi sign and choose the SSID then entered the password ,
it worked 

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Raspberry pi zero W SSH problem

while connecting RPI0W first time to the network with Ethernet connection by ( 3 Port USB Hub w/ Ethernet:  **MMP-0491** )

the RPI0W get an IP address but i cant connect to it by ssh

the solution was so easy and tricky
1- put the SD card to SD card reader and connect it to a computer with OS linux
2- open the folder called boot
3- adding new file named 'ssh' with the single cotation

and reconnect it again it will connect :)