Friday, August 28, 2015

using NOIP website as DNS instead of Global IP [updated]

Remote Access with Dynamic DNS The freedom to connect to your devices from anywhere. easy to install easy to use .

here is how to install it and configure it .

But for getting the full feature of connecting to (SSH , VNC , HTTP ,....) i used this specific sitting
and in the programs instead of using the global IP , i used this hostname ( even the program is browser or SSH connector or remote VNC .


After restarting the RPi the NOIP didn't run , so i contacted NOIP site, and the sent to me this perfect site :
it solves the problem
i faced problem while installing NoIP on RPi B+

and here the solution from the site support
You will be able to install's DUC on Raspberry Pi in just a few minutes with Terminal. Installing the service is simple to do, and requires little knowledge of Linux. 

You will first need to create a directory for the client software to be installed into. You can do so by following the steps below. 

Open "Terminal" and type the following, after each entry you will press Enter. 

mkdir /home/pi/noip 

cd /home/pi/noip 

2. After creating the folders for the DUC you will need to download the software, 

Within the terminal window you will need to type the following, after each entry you will press Enter. 


tar vzxf noip-duc-linux.tar.gz 

3. You will then need to navigate to the directory where the files have been downloaded. 

cd noip-2.1.9-1 

4. It is time to install the program 

sudo make 

sudo make install 

After typing "sudo make install" You will be prompted to login with your account username and password. 

After logging into the DUC, it will tell you how many hostnames you have registered with your account. Simply answer the questions to proceed. When asked how often you want the update to happen you must choose 5 or more. The interval is listed in minutes, if you choose 5 the update interval will be 5 minutes. If you choose 30 the interval will be 30 minutes. 

To confirm that the service is working properly you can run the following command, 

sudo noip2 -S (Capital "S")

connecting to RPi threw the internet (router sitting)

first of all turn of the firewall of the router and also the SPI

Second join and connect the ports that you want (SSH , HTTP , VNC , ....) between the global network and the internal IP of the RPi

i tested the connection from my mobile using the Data (4G network) 
i tested (SSH , HTTP , VNC ) and succeeded